8th Lecture on the Apocalypse of John (Documentation)

By Dr Wolfgang Peter

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Date of the lecture:


Author: H.H.

In this episode we are in the middle of the central theme of the 4th cultural epoch, the Greco-Latin epoch, which covers the period from antiquity to the Middle Ages, if you look at it from the point of view of thinking.  A cultural epoch lasts 2160 years, that is one twelfth of the zodiac.

 "Apokalypso Jesu Christo" is originally called the unveiling of the essence of the Christ and also the unveiling of the human ego. In the I, we are consubstantial with Christ, but we are far from having the potential. On earth we have to become aware of the I in many incarnations.  This sub-sensible earth world produces that which appears material to us and helps us to distinguish ourselves from the objective world, to feel that we are our own beings. Spirit beings are not separate from each other, yet each can feel itself as an I if it has developed sufficient strength. In the human being, too, the I must become strong enough to be and remain present in the spiritual experience. Through the earthly life of the Christ, namely the event on Golgotha, the "The same authority of the I shall be his own as I received it from the Father" becomes possible in such a way that ultimately the human being is the source from which the spiritual can flow. Man, through spiritual power which he can develop from the I, is now to take over himself the task which hitherto the hierarchies had far above him. And thus the fate of all these hierarchies depends on the human being. Man's freedom is only guaranteed when all hierarchies renounce their hold on man. For freedom is to do what is necessary out of the Creator Source or the individuality of man, and to make that which I bring forth truly harmonious. Spiritual doing always has the overall good in mind. Angelic beings have a different kind of ego than human beings. With the angelic ego, spirit fulfilment occurs. It is, so to speak, a focal point for what flows in from the Trinity. With the human ego it is the other way round. It becomes a focal point from which something radiates that is of the same nature as the highest divinity. From the Mystery of Golgotha onwards, the path to this leads through the human ego. Man must slowly become aware of this great responsibility and know that there is no guarantee that all will be well. Strength and help will come if we look for it, but Christ does not do it for us. He went from omnipotence to impotence in His descent into the dark realm. For Christ to incarnate on earth, preparation was necessary. This Adamic entity, which had remained in the lunar sphere, felt connected to the human beings who had descended to incarnation and wanted to help them, on the one hand, not to fall completely prey to the adversaries and, on the other hand, to establish a harmony in the soul between thinking, feeling and willing. In thinking we are awake, but powerless. In feeling we dream. In wanting we are asleep. This Uradam entity asks Christ for help and Christ connects with it. This helps in a 3-stage way: The sensory activity (physical body), the life forces (etheric body) and thinking, feeling, willing (soul-astral) are brought into order. Now it is a question of the ego.

 The Adamic being embodies itself in Jesus of Bethlehem (Nathanic Jesus) with a pure astral and etheric body and his ideal supersensible physical body, which becomes material on earth and therefore needs a physical lineage. This physical lineage goes back to Adam and the was of God. The Gospel of Matthew tells a different birth story. It contains the Solomon birth story. In his Madonna terra nuova, Raphael painted the birth story with 2 or 3 boys and he was able to do this because he was there as John, the Baptist, in whom the ego power of the Nathanian Jesus is at work. The ego power was withheld from the Nathanian Jesus and John the Baptist had it. John was also Elijah the prophet who was physically elusive. He worked through various people and was closely connected with the peoplehood of the Jews.  As Phinehas, he prevents blood mixing by stabbing a "fornicating couple" with a spear. The purity of the Israelite people was necessary and had to be preserved.

 Matthew's Gospel portrays the Solomonic Jesus, whose lineage goes back to Abraham. Jewish ancestry always shows high thinking abilities and rich knowledge that becomes wisdom. There was a high initiate who went through more incarnations than other people: Zarathustra. He was visited by the St. 3 Kings who followed the gold star because they knew that a great initiate had been born. The Nathanian Jesus was visited by the shepherds.

 The Nathanian Jesus boy brought with him the purity of the womb in the first incarnation, but little ego power (ego principle runs through John, the Baptist) and a great heart power. The Solomonic Jesus had the I of a high initiate, who had many earthly incarnations behind him and had thus gained much experience and possessed great wisdom. Bringing these two beings together results in the most perfect human being. 

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